Tuesday, 11 February 2014

News: 5 Ways To Have An Amazing Sex Session This Valentine's Day

The most romantic day of the year is a great day to explore and create "Orgasmic-Pleasure". Whether you're expecting to have a baby on Valentine's, are pregnant, are a parent, or see parenthood in your future or not, you can create an Orgasmic Valentine's Day.

When was the last time you thought of all the ways that you can bring pleasure to your life? Everyone deserves love and feel-good moments every day and often that means taking matters into our own hands!

Looking to sex up Valentine's Day with your sweetie? Learn how the concept of "orgasmic birth" can give you maximum pleasure and feel-good warm feelings.

1. Listen before you leap: Get cozy on the couch and practice listening to one another. Really hear and respect each other's needs.

2. Turned on with Tunes: Share and listen to your favorite music and songs with your partner. Create an orgasmic playlist for a sensuous and sexual evening. Bring this music with you as you birth, as our sexual energy not only brings us pleasure but open the gateway to our fullest creative forces within. Preparing music in advance to compliment a laboring woman's mood will make a big difference. Relaxing music for resting, pumped-up music for the pushing phase, or just some of your favorite songs. Listening to music you like releases your beta-endorphins, the hormone of pleasure. Valentine's Day is the perfect time for a test-drive.

3. Wrap each other in love: Using a Rebozo or a long scarf or sheet folded in half, Rebozos provides a warm, safe, embrace in birth. One simple technique is to wrap your partner around their shoulders, and sitting in front of them you can gentle rock them, sift their shoulders releasing tension, feeling safe and supported. Let your minds relax. Rebozo techniques can provide tremendous amounts of relief, relaxation, and support; all orgasmic qualities!

4. Melt in your mouth: In addition to being an aphrodisiac, chocolate can provide much needed energy to a woman in labor. On V-day, consider taste-testing some chocolates.

5. Invite the hormones over: Invite the hormone of love, oxytocin to your place on V-day. Get to know this amazing hormone that provides us with a feeling of well being, trust, love and connection. As a bonus, it is a powerful pain reliever! Understanding how to release oxytocin is essential during life and birth. It is the lack of releasing our own oxytocin in labor that causes many women to have challenging childbirths and increased pain.

Different activities and environments can help a woman's hormone flow more freely. On Valentine's, try these activities by yourself and/or with your partner so you understand the way you can increase oxytocin, the hormone of love. First, set the stage with privacy and safety. Next enjoy kissing, touching, gentle stimulation with fingers or sucking stimulation with the lips and tongue. When you feel turned on, you release oxytocin and bringing more love and ease to your life and to whatever your creative energy is birthing.


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