Wednesday, 19 February 2014

GIST: Girl STONED TO DEATH In Syria For Having A Facebook Account

Syrian Sharia court in Ar-Raqqa sentenced a girl to death for opening a Facebook account, local media report.
The girl, identified as Fatoum Al-Jassem, was stoned to death after it had been ruled that having a Facebook account was immoral behaviour.
Accoring to the reports, she was taken to the court by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants after being caught using the social networking site.
The court, which is under the jurisdiction of ISIS, ruled the act of being a member of the social network deserved to be punished the same way as adultery.
The ISIS is a pro-Al Qaida jihadist group formed in 2013 that many fear is taking an iron grip over parts of Syria. Rebels who have voiced their opposition to ISIS have found themselves arrested and thrown in jail without trial.
The town's women, meanwhile, have been ordered by ISIS via posters to 'cover up their beauty'.


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