HOW TO WRITE LYRICS & FREESTYLE.One of the basis of writing rap is knowing what you wanna rap about. There are basically 3 steps to rapping, writing and freestyling;
You have to have a topic you wanna rap or write about. for example; maybe you wanna rap about a girl you just met, or something or anything you feel. You can let the topic or title to be "THE NEW GIRL" THE GIRL" or anything you wanna give it. The most important part is to know what you wanna rap or write about.
Rhyming your lines. You may want to rhyme your last words to give your rap a nice vibe. For example; if u wanna start by saying
>i met a girl on my way to school-------------------------1
> she looks so fresh everybody wanna look------------2
Now lets check out the first line and the second line. The last words are "school and look". its not really about the spellings but the sound. So you can generate more words according to your story.
Bars: Most upcoming rappers don't what exactly bars is. They think it a kind of big word but its not. It simply means the number of your rap. Generally, 16 bars is common and its a stepping stone for any upcoming rapper.
With the above steps (1-3), i hope you enjoyed it and same thing is applicable to freestyling. Try it on any beat but don't forget the 3 steps.
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