Monday, 27 January 2014

DISCUSSION: Have your say

TOPIC: It's okay for him to approach girl whom they really love, but it's not okay for girl to approach him. They think that girl is not good for them, why they think negative?. I'll like to same both sex have feelings which has to be equally respected. Respect could either come from the guy or the girl, doesn't really matter who but what matters is what both of them share. Feeling have no respect for nobody whether you are cute, dark, white, tall, short, rich or poor. You don't have to build up a pride in kiLling or hiding what you feel. Most girls are taken for granted when they try to be real and free minded. Any girl that ask a guy out is always termed to be cheap and valueless; that's for people with odd mentality. I believe everyone has the right over their feelings but the issue of taking peoples' feelings for granted is absurd. That's from my point of view, what's yours? You can have your say about this too, juts drop your comments below and you can also subscribe to get updated all the time.


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